Elevate Conference 2024

About Aanu Afolabi

As a young child growing up in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, obtaining quality education, which was the only way my family knew out of poverty, was a long shot. My father, then a taxi driver and my mother, then a primary school teacher, earned meagre salaries which could not afford us three meals a day.

Whilst we did not have much financially, like my family, I had an abundance of sheer hope in the endless possibilities ahead for me.

This deep sense of hope was the fuel that pushed me to dream to study abroad. I wanted to explore the vast opportunities this world has to offer to develop my God-given talents, create a better future for myself and my family, enjoy the vastness of this beautiful earth we call home, and contribute my own quota to the progress of human consciousness. Given our financial condition, I knew that studying abroad on a fully funded scholarship was the only possible pathway to achieve my dream to study abroad.Ā 

Were the good grades enough to secure a fully funded scholarship?

To achieve my dream, IĀ worked hardĀ at school. Sure it was satisfying to get good grades in secondary school, score high marks on UTME (University entrance examination) which secured me a coveted spot on the admission merit list to study at Obafemi Awolowo University's Faculty of Law (one of Nigeria's premier universities).

However, given the scale of my desire to create a better future for myself outside Nigeria, I soon realized that good grades were not enough to win a fully funded scholarship.

There was something equally important - understanding the step-by-step process to submit a winning application.

I came to this realization because I bumped through my first year of applying for fully funded scholarships. I was frustrated because I was not sure what I was doing which is wrong.

I've witnessed and experienced the pain of feeling stuck in the face of rejections over and over again. I know the constant feeling of intense frustration going around the internet to figure out the right scholarship for me or which country should I apply to. The other thing which frustrated me was writing essays, personal statements, statement of purpose, CVs or even crafting the initial email to potential academic advisors.

Does all the above sound familiar?

Well, I get it. I want to tell you that no matter how convoluted and complex your scholarship application journey are RIGHT NOW, they are fixable.

I want you to know that there is hope.

I am Aanu Afolabi, a winner of over $2million in scholarships for myself across three continents and a coach who has helped my students win $5M+ in scholarships and awards around the world. I continue to devote my time to guiding people from a place of frustration and feeling stuck with their application for fully funded scholarships to a place of successful outcome.

If you want to learn more about how you can begin taking the right steps to turn your application around, check out my free masterclass below:

FREE Masterclass